Separate and Unjust: How Systemic Racism Creates Harmful Disadvantages for Black Older People [Infographic]

Research shows that Black nursing home residents are more often physically restrained and hospitalized than their peers and are less likely to have their pain treated. Black and Latino people also make up a disproportionate number of cases and deaths from COVID-19. Why is that?

In the fourth episode of A Question of Care™, Robert Espinoza sits down with Dr. Ruqaiijah Yearby, a professor at the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University. They speak about systemic racism in long-term care, the unique challenges of Black older people, and what it would take to make aging a more positive experience for communities of color.

The infographic below provides a visual overview of systemic racism's impact on nursing homes and Black people and a slate of interventions that could help rectify these problems.

Listen to this episode by clicking here or wherever you get your podcasts.


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Behind the Masks: A Visual Overview of Nursing Homes and COVID-19 [Infographic]